School Shows

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School Annual Function Choreography Course in Mumbai

School Shows

School is where young minds blossom. It’s very important for little ones to participate in annual festivals, plays and dance shows so that they enhance their confidence levels to face the world fearlessly. CUA offers a well-designed school annual function choreography course in Mumbai to train children for these special events and ensure that the show is a grand success.

Apart from school-going children, our trainers are also adept in teaching parents or mothers if they want to organise a skit or dance program for their children. In this way, mothers get a chance to learn something new and engage in a fun-filled activity. Our trainers constantly research on new exciting themes for annual day function choreography and follow a streamlined process during practice sessions.

Training children can sometimes be very difficult as they get distracted easily and might forget their steps/ lines very soon. We at Curtains Up Academy make use of the perfect tools and techniques that will engage young kids and make them want to perform better. School students dance choreography at CUA is customised based on the age-groups with respect to the type of steps and training format. We also inspire children and their parents to overcome stage-fright and improve concentration levels.

So, if you really want to rock the show, get in touch with us now !